Monday, 25 August 2014

I choose this kids game because i find it very simple and it may be understood by the young ones and it also very effective it makes maths for grade R very funny and effective  more relevant to them and It also develop their additional and multiplication skill for their century skills. the grade Rs will count from one up to ten without any help from others. they will practice counting daily until they got the counting skill in their mind.

what is expected from grade Rs  after the games
this is what is expected from the grade Rs, they must be expected to count from 1 to ten without any help from others, they must be able to write numbers. development of their counting skills, counting numbers on their own without any difficulties.

Monday, 18 August 2014

My schooling at Chief Jerry Nkosi secondary.

 My name is KHUMALO COMFORT.M  I lived in a rural village called Aramburg where there still no develop infrastructure. Where we have got a number of people who are unemployed because of being unqualified and lack of skill.It an area that is much dominated with more people who are speaking Siswati. People from this area still use their skill in order to survive.

The community has got one biggest secondary school where most of learners from the community are learning  in. I am also one of those learners who went into the school, the school was named after the late Chief Jerry  Bhevula Nkosi. I complete my grade 12 on the above mention school.Life was not good in the school in terms of educational technology because there was only one overhead projector and it was only use  by the principal only for teaching life science student. Computers were only available to those who are doing it as a subject, to those who were not doing it as a subject you were not even allow to use it, weather you are doing school work. I was doing seven subject in the school my favorite subject was Agriculture and Geography because I enjoy to study with something I see in practical being favored by my area it has got more of those thing we were doing in the two subject. my subject were as follows.
  • English
  • SiSwati
  • Geography
  • Mathematical literacy
  • Agriculture
  • Tourism
  • Life orientation
What I am happy of is that after all the difficulties and challenges that I have experience at school I manage to pass my subject with high marks. all the year back my school was well known by the school of all student who are naughty and who go to school only for wasting time. 2013 was the unbelievable year to all resident of the community because it was the first time  the school pass with 88%, where most of student in matric pass with bachelors.Here is the map of where my school is located in the community. This how my school look like, you can even see how many cars of the educators are available.,30.8774124,476a,20y,270h/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x1ee91debede224ed:0x554611d1e4480663?hl=en

This how my school look like you can even see how was the classroom, how many learners in class. what I am happy of is that after all the challenges I manage to pass. It was a long journey to university.